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Money Beyond This Reality

Take your FINANCIAL REALITY to the next level with this life-changing program! Transform your financial mindset, and become a powerful, conscious creator of a wealthy life filled with meaning and abundance. 

What you'll receive: 
  • 14 Modules (Audio Tracks + Exercises)
  • 2 Bonuses


#1 Ways In Which We Relate To Money

This module reprograms conscious (and subconscious) beliefs about each of these crucial topics needed to increase financial prosperity. 

Spending money

Earning money

Donating money

Wasting money

Obsessing over money

Saving money

Hoarding money

Investing money

Playing with Money

#2 Financial Alchemy: Create A New Relationship With Money

If you want to improve your financial situation, you must first uncover the negative emotions and programming that shaped your relationship with money in the first place. This module includes a transforming audio track designed to help you permanently delete limiting beliefs. And create a healthier (and more abundant) relationship with money. 

#3 Comfort Zones

If you want to know what your financial comfort zone is, it’s important to assess all your incoming money. When there is a sudden increase in income, it can subconsciously create an unsafe feeling. 

And if these feelings aren't addressed, they can sabotage potential financial growth and success. Use this exercise and audio track to increase your comfort zone with doubling, tripling, and even quadrupling your income.

#4 Raising The Wealth Thermostat

Shatter your inner financial glass ceiling, and create unlimited financial prosperity. 

Financial blocks are wired into our emotions and nervous system. And often, it takes a powerful transformative experience to break free of these limiting beliefs. Come face to face with your financial glass ceiling for the first time and BREAK IT. So that you can build your wealth without self-imposed limits. 

#5 Self Made Millionaire

The super-wealthy have a different set of beliefs, philosophies, and strategies than those who identify as “middle class.” Their secret to getting rich isn’t in the mechanics of money. Rather, it’s their values and mindsets that generates their wealth.. 

In other words, to be rich, you have to think like a rich person. Once you learn to embrace this concept, the money starts to flow effortlessly. 

#6 Root Cause Of Money Issues

How do you feel about money right now?

As a child sitting on the stairs at night, did you overhear your family's worried discussions about finances?

Was your family working-class, with the belief that they had to work as hard as possible to make ends meet? 

Did they live through the depression, rationing, and struggling to feed their children? 

Whether you know this or not, their experiences have been passed down to you.  Which means that their thoughts and beliefs about money have subconsciously become your financial mindset. This module helps to banish any long-standing familial financial blocks that may be holding you back from achieving financial success. 

#7 Not Wanting To Heal Money Issues

Learn why your relationship with money is tied to negative emotions and illness. And uncover the real reason why the law of attraction isn't working for you. Hint: It has something to do with your subconscious beliefs about money. Sometimes, when financial blocks become so strong, they can overpower your ability to set positive intentions about money. 

#8 Money Patterns Of Your Father

Go back to your childhood to observe what you saw and heard in your family’s relationship with money. These “truths” (whether you know it or not) have become your financial beliefs. Unearth these subconscious  wealth “vows” to begin to release them. 

#9 Money Patterns Of Your Mother

Go back and observe your mother’s relationship with money. Are you duplicating it or are you resisting it? Both cases will keep you in the cycle of money that your mother experienced. This exercise will help free you from your mother’s patterns of money so you can create a healthier, more prosperous relationship with money.

#10 Being Judged For Spending Money

Are you afraid of being judged for spending too much money? Who will judge you for spending this money? These underlying fears can stop your income from expanding creating an income glass ceiling. 

#11 Being Judged For Having Money

Has anyone ever judged you for having money? What does the word “rich” trigger in you? When you have judgments about rich people, you separate yourself from them. Which makes it impossible to join their ranks and create fabulous wealth. 

#12 Limiting Beliefs - 101

Negative beliefs about money are not mere fleeting thoughts. They can run a hidden program, much like software, which can sabotage even the best of intentions. These negative small “voices” in your head can actually sabotage your goals and aspirations. 

What goes on in your subconscious has a lot of power, perhaps even more than your conscious mind. Use this module to clear any subconscious negative beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving financial prosperity. 

#13 Paying Your Bills

It’s time to face your feelings about bills! This module banishes any negative emotions you may have surrounding bills. And it makes the first of each month feel like a breeze. 

#14 Clearing the Feast and Famine Cycle in Your Money

Tune into this revealing discussion about why so many people fail to keep their wealth, even after creating a lucrative and thriving business. 

Raise your hand if you've ever said the following:

“I just want to get out of the feast and famine cycle, you know?”

Business owners who make this lament are referring to periods of time with strong sales, followed by periods with few to none. Feasts, followed by famines.


Get these amazing bonuses [Value $399]

Bonus #1 - Clear Ancestral Patterns Of Money

Your ancestors' financial wealth (and beliefs) create your financial mindset, and how much you feel you are…

-Allowed to earn

-Deserve to have

-Need to work for your money

-Able to earn doing what you love 

Bonus #2 - Money Power Recording

This 5 min audio packs quite a punch. If you do nothing but listen to this one audio everyday for the next 6 months, your whole financial reality WILL change.

Bonus #3 - 10X Your Income

What if you could 10X your current income with ease and flow? What would that be like?

Bonus #4 - Having $100,000

Get vibrationally aligned to having $100,000.