Reprogram Your Money Mindset, Increase Your Financial Abundance, & Generate Prosperity
(All Without Wasting Any More Time Or Money)
Get Back on Track to Prosperity, Wealth, Abundance & Surplus
Yes Please! Gimme the Energy Accelerator For Money Program
Only $14.99
With Nilofer Safdar - author of 'Money Circle' and Money Mastery Coach

Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?
You believe there’s never enough money.
You constantly tell yourself that money is tight and that there’s never enough to meet your goals.
You’re ALWAYS beating yourself up about your current financial situation.
You work all day, EVERY DAY, but no matter what, your pay isn’t commensurate with the amount of work you do.
And even if you have some financial stability, it seems to have an invisible ceiling that can never be expanded upon.
You feel guilty whenever you spend money on yourself, even if it’s for something as small as a manicure or a meal at a nice restaurant.
You may even be financially stable, but you can’t possibly imagine how to increase your income without spreading yourself too thin. Because you’re already on the verge of burnout.
You live in a permanent cycle of feast or famine, and it never feels like you have enough to live comfortably.
You keep lending money to people who NEVER return it to you.
And you feel massive resistance (and even abject terror) when it comes time to discuss payment with a potential client or ask your boss for a raise.
You’ve complained about these issues to many people. But your concerns are often met with disregard, with comments like...
“Upgrade your professional qualifications”
“Work harder in your job.”
“Control your spending and create a budget.”
“Learn how to financially plan, so that you can reach your goals”
And you’ve already TRIED doing everything on this list.
Only to get (at best) minimal, fleeting results.
And at worst, no results AT ALL!
Only $14.99

And when it comes time to ask others for money, whether it’s asking clients for payment, your boss for a raise, or anything in between, you hesitate or put it off because it feels too scary.
This is an area where SO MANY people (especially women), keep themselves small.

Year-after-year, the financial struggle continues...
You try to stick to a budget and save more money. but for some reason, nothing seems to work.
You even find yourself owing money to friends, family, the bank, and credit card companies.
The worst part?
Your romantic relationships are constantly damaged by endless arguments about finances.
Which makes it next to impossible to settle down and have a successful romantic relationship.
And you’re starting to wonder if this painful financial situation will ever END!
Which of these limiting beliefs do you think you have?
Remember, limiting beliefs are both conscious AND subconscious.
So it’s possible to believe one of these, without ever thinking about it consciously.
- Money is bad
- People who have money are evil and greedy
- Money is the root of all evil
- I don’t deserve money
- I have to work extra hard to earn money
- I’m not as confident as wealthy people like Warren Buffett
- Poor people are more honest than rich people
- I’m not money-savvy, and I have trouble saving money
- The rich always get richer and the poor always get poorer.
- I would have to win a lottery to pay off my credit card debt
- I’m not smart enough to make money
If you want more money, and it’s just not coming, you may be experiencing a “money block” caused by one of these limiting beliefs.
For example, take the really common, “I have to work hard to make money” block.
If you have this block, you’ll probably find that you actively sabotage yourself to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.
By resisting delegating tasks, so you have to do everything yourself.
Or even procrastinating, so you have to pull an all-nighter to finish your work
A lot of people have an underlying fear that it’s not safe for them to be rich or successful or both!
And deep down, you may also have some stories about how more money will potentially lead to negative outcomes.
Which is weird, right? On the surface, you’d think that you’d want to make more money… but for some reason, many of us have these conflicting feelings inside.
So really, it’s a protective (but unhelpful) mechanism that we think will save us from some perceived harm. But actually, it just holds us back from achieving our financial goals.
But the good news is that you can have money blocks WITHOUT letting them derail your success.
Only $14.99

My Story
My name is Nilofer, and I understand the position you’re in.
Because I’ve been there myself.
After hitting an income ceiling years ago, I decided to take a long, hard look at my financial situation.
And it wasn’t like I was in debt at the time, but my income was stuck at one level.
My business just wasn’t expanding.
One day I got so fed up with it, that I finally declared - “This has to change NOW.”
So, I started to experiment with some tools and techniques that I thought would help rid me of my limiting financial beliefs. I needed to change my financial mindset!
Now, I wasn’t certain it would work. Quite the opposite, in fact.
But I also figured that after ALL my failures, one little extra failure wouldn’t make much of a difference.
So despite my doubts, I continued to test these mindset tools and techniques.
And honestly, I really didn’t believe that they would work.
But the results were beyond my wildest dreams...
After one month of implementing these tools, I was able to drastically expand my business.
Since then, I’ve gone on to publish 7 international bestselling books, all in 3 years...
Money Circle,
Cracking the Client Attraction Code,
Where Is My Doorway To Possibilities,
The Magic Of Being,
Create Your Life and
The Colors Of Now.
I even manifested having my own TV show,
(A dream of mine since I was a little girl)!
And If I can do it, so can you!
I’ve been a money mindset and success coach since 1992.
And I’ve helped thousands of people release their limiting beliefs so that they can break through their income ceilings. Often helping them increase their income 3-10X it’s original amount.
Now for a moment, imagine that you have full access to my financial mindset techniques.
And as a result, you finally have the life you've always wanted, (but thought wasn’t possible).
A life FULL of limitless abundance and success, that’s free of physical, mental, and emotional pain.
Here’s just some of what you’d be able to do...
- RELEASE inner conflicts about money.
- Tune your subconscious mind into a perpetual “wealth frequency”
- Dramatically increase your intuition, so that you can stop using your “rational mind” to think about money.
- Get vibrationally aligned with your financial goals.
- END the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.
- Heal your negative financial beliefs instantly.
- Experience earth-shattering “abundance paradigm shifts”
- Understand (and avoid) the specific words and phrases that are keeping you from being successful.
- Put an END to self-sabotage so you can shine your brightest.
Why is the solution I discovered so special?
Because I’m living, breathing proof that this process WORKS.
And I know that you can get these life-changing results too!
Best of all, you can experience these results without...

Wasting More Money
When I was searching for a solution, I spent so much money on remedies that promised miracles.
But the only miracle was that I didn’t go broke paying for them!
Not only does this solution work, but it also doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to get started.

Losing More Time
We can get money back, but we can never replace time.
For me, so many hours went down the drain while I was experimenting with different remedies.
That was until I found this solution.
The process I discovered is simple, easy, and NOT time-consuming.
And it can be done within 7 days.

Making A Long-Term Commitment
Other solutions such as affirmations or going to a life coach require a long-term commitment. And booking appointments can be difficult with our busy schedules.
But I’ve worked hard to present this solution in a way that doesn’t create this issue. It’s so accessible that truly ANYONE can reap the benefits of my process, no matter how full their lives are.
Now Introducing...
My Energy Accelerator For Money Audio Tracks Program
The Energy Accelerator For Money Program consists of a series of audio tracks that reprogram your brain to help create an “Abundance Operating System”, that makes prosperity and surplus EASY.
All you have to do is listen to one or two of the “The Money Energetic Release Audios” for 10 short minutes, every day.
Attract Anything You Want…………. Simply By Listening To Energy Accelerator For Money Audio Tracks.
Huh!? I know. It sounds absolutely insane, doesn’t it?
But just think……
What if you could clear your negative emotions, just by listening to a calming audio track?
What if the lack of money in your life was simply a distortion in your energy field……. That could be healed within minutes with the help of a simple energetic release?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had a foolproof system for instantly releasing even the most stubborn beliefs?
I’m guessing your answer is “Yes”!
This shockingly simple, (yet incredibly effective) process quickly and easily allows you to…
- Put an END to harmful limiting beliefs.
- Resolve long-standing emotional problems.
- Completely focus on getting exactly what you want.
- Create an unstoppable flow of abundance in all areas of your life.
- Skyrocket your self-confidence.
- Create long-lasting financial stability and prosperity for you and your family.
- Break through the set points for how much you can earn and how much you are allowed to be worth and raise them.
- Grow and expand your business or career.
- Attract the unlimited abundance you DESERVE.
Only $14.99
You won’t find this unique approach to financial wellness anywhere else.
Many have even said that my techniques cut through layers of limiting beliefs, more than they’ve ever experienced before.
Here’s what the My Energy Accelerator For Money Audio Tracks Program Includes...
The Financial Target Accelerator Track
No one cares more about your financial well-being than you do. That’s why it's so important to not only have financial goals but to also keep track of them as you move through life. By using proven goal setting techniques, you’ll gain a powerful process for clarifying your goals and motivating yourself to turn those goals into REALITY.
The Limiting Beliefs Destroyer Track
There are smart, talented, creative, hard-working people who simply cannot achieve their financial goals, no matter how hard they try.
What do all of these people have in common? You guessed it: LIMITING BELIEFS. And not just limiting beliefs about money. All kinds of limiting beliefs that hold people back from reaching their full potential! This audio track helps examine (and destroy) the top 30 pervasive beliefs that hold most people back.
The Wise Money Track
Most of us have underlying insecurity about our past money mistakes, that can affect our relationship with money, what we do with it, and how it works for (or against us). It’s only when you clear the negative emotional charge around your money, that past mistakes no longer hold you back from reaching your goals.
The Relationship With Money Track
For many of us, our relationship with money is very negative. We push money away. Even when we get money, we start looking for opportunities to lose it. Deep down we have the feeling that money is not safe to have.
Plus, for a limited time, I’m offering 3 incredible bonuses(valued at over $700) for FREE.
Simply sign up for The Energy Accelerator For Money NOW, and you’ll gain immediate access to these 3 bonuses at no additional cost.
The Pay Off Your Heavy Debts Audio Track (Valued at $297)
Sucker punch that debt in the face and enjoy freedom from the debts that have been weighing you down. This powerful, energetic release audio track is designed to help you STOP the cycle of debt in its tracks so that you can reset your money reality to have surplus and excess.
The Money Trifecta Video Package (Valued at $297)
These 3 videos detail 3 simple actions that you can take RIGHT NOW to become a powerful money magnet so that you can double, triple, or even quadruple your income. (All while feeling like you’re doing LESS work, and having more fun!)
The Positive Self-Image & Unshakeable Self-Confidence Audio Track (Valued at $197)
The cause of poor self-image is an accumulation of negative emotions about one's self. If we eliminate negative emotions, then we can eliminate the cause. And without negative emotions, the poor self-image fades away….
Sometimes jobs, promotions, and even sales are WON (or lost) depending on our self-confidence. Because how we think about ourselves radiates to how others perceive us.
But This Opportunity Won’t Last Forever...
Invest TODAY and you can own the entire course.
Plus the bonuses, all for just $14.99!
And I really, really don’t want anyone…….. and that includes you, my friend…… miss out on the opportunity to attract breathtaking abundance, prosperity, and joy into their lives.
But you have to order right NOW.
I want to keep the price at $14.99, but I’m not sure I can for long.
So don’t take the chance. Order NOW!
Plus, I’m offering a 30-day, full money-back guarantee.
So there’s truly NOTHING to lose!
So what’s the point in waiting?
Order right now!
So, to recap…*All for ONLY $14.99!
Only $14.99
TODAY, The Energy Accelerator For Money Audio Track Program includes...

Hear what my clients are saying...
Dr. Manjiri Nadkarni
“I have been working with Nilofer since Oct 2019, and every session with Nilofer has blown my mind away. I asked her to coach me for my then upcoming summit, and I have been on a roll since then. I have launched 2 successful summits ‘Holistic Mental Health Summit’ and ‘Holistic Immunity Summit’ each of which featured 20 global health experts, along with 2 online programs ‘Complete Gut Reset’ and ‘Food Freedom Formula’ in a span of 8 months.
I am constantly growing as a person and making a lot more money from my online biz, which was stagnant for a few years despite trying very hard.
Nilofer has taught me to follow my awareness, work smarter (not harder), and every week I really look forward to our sessions together. Nilofer has not only helped me change my money reality but also my personal reality. Today I am a lot more content and blissful being myself and sharing my love for Ayurveda. I am impacting lives and totally loving it. If you haven’t worked with Nilofer, it’s high time you experience her magic “
“I know Nilofer from visiting her in Abu Dhabi when I was there in another business meeting. Later I participated in a session with Nilofer and she invited me spontaneously to participate in an upcoming money session of hers.
In Nilofer’s money session, we were all asked to write down the amount of money we would like to receive that month.
By the end of that month, I actually received MORE than the amount I had originally written down.
The following month I thought hm, this was fun –I will try that again. I now wanted to receive double the amount as the month before, so I wrote the amount down and listened to the recorded money call again. There were many days off in that month because of holy days. So at the end of the month, I started to wonder for a short while, if it was even possible. But five days before the end of the month, a person phoned me and said that he would like me to conduct some research in an area I've researched before. The budget they had for this project was the amount I had wished for earlier that month.
I appreciate sweet Nilofer a lot for her kindness, her humor, and her laughter (that makes me laugh too). ☺ “
“I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Nilofer on several occasions. She is very impressive in how she’s achieved her goals, but maybe even more in how she teaches others to achieve their dreams. If you think that is not going to work for you, because (fill in the gap), then you should not hesitate and get this course! In my opinion, the Universe is clear about one thing; it gives you exactly what you ask for. But if you aren’t putting the tools and opportunities into action, you are asking the Universe not to deliver. Listen, apply the tools and magic happens. How can it get any better?”
“This has been a wonderful program. Things are changing dramatically for me. Just found out that I will be receiving $4500 from the government that I definitely wasn't expecting! How does it get any better than that? What else is possible?”
“Nilofer gets to the heart of what is stopping money and joy and every good thing from flowing into and through your life. How does she do it? By asking questions and by using her own experiences and those of others she has helped to demonstrate, What else is possible? If you want to get unstuck, do this program and let the questions open up the possibilities in your life.”
“Nilofer's take on changing the way you think and view money is very different and extraordinary. I have read many books and attended many courses on changing your money situation, but I have had so many Ah Ha! moments throughout this program that I feel more grateful and more present with what I do have. Thank you to Nilofer Safdar for this amazing program!”
“Last week I received back money I had lent almost 5 years ago without my asking for it. Also, I received a discount on some school fees for my daughter.”
This Energy Accelerator For Money Audio Track Program is EVERYTHING you need to become a real-life magnet for money.
For just $14.99, you could be mere minutes away from kick-starting your journey to abundance (and earning more money than you have before).
To recap, the Energy Accelerator For Money Audio Track Program includes…

Today's Price $14.99 But you must act fast!
$Only $14.99
How does this process work?
Do I have to listen consciously and attentively to the audios every day?
How long do I have to listen to these before I start to see a change?
What are the benefits of doing this program?
Order right NOW to experience life-changing abundance.

*All for ONLY $14.99!
Only $14.99
*DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. As part of the information presented on this website, I understand that I will be introduced to a modality called Energetic Releases, which is a technique referred to as a type of energy therapy. Due to the experimental nature of Energetic Releases, and because it is a relatively new healing approach and the extent of its effectiveness, as well as its risks and benefits, are not fully known, I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with viewing this website and using Energetic Releases as a result of viewing this website. I understand that my choice to use Energetic Releases is of my own free will and not subject to any outside pressure. I further understand that if I choose to use Energetic Releases, it is possible that emotional or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface.
The information presented on this website, including introducing Energetic Releases, is not intended to represent that Energetic Releases is used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. Energetic Releases are not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Any stories or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using Energetic Releases for any particular issue. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. Limitless Living Pte Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website, including, but not limited to, Energetic Releases demonstrations, training, and related activities. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.